Mobile Data Conservation Tips

In our ubiquitously connected world, it’s hard when you hit your mobile data limit. Hitting it at the most inopportune times may prevent you from sending that e-mail that you really needed for work, or cause your video conference to lag or even disconnect. If you’ve ever wanted curb your mobile data consumption, here are a few easy ways to do it.

Limit Bandwidth and Browser Cache Data

Certain browsers, like Google Chrome, tend to consume a large amount of bandwidth due to large image files that are cached from websites. You can reduce bandwidth via the Reduce Data Usage settings of these apps, where it will condense images and videos you access.

Disable Push Notifications

A push notification is basically data automatically synced to your phone like alerts from your social networks, e-mails, or updated apps. So if you do want to conserve your data, you might want to disable all your push notifications unless you’re on a WiFi connection, since these use more data than a traditional mobile alert.

Enable the “Update Over Wifi” Option

Most apps already recommend that you update over WiFi to ensure a stable connection throughout the update and doing this for all your apps will drastically reduce your data consumption. Most apps and games consume large amounts of data when an update comes through, so it’s best to disable the auto-update on your apps and only download those when you’re ready.